Blog Fargo, ND


Facial Cosmetic Options

facial cosmetics

At the Facial and Oral Surgery Center, we put your name to the test! We aren’t just a team of dentists; we are a dedicated team trying to revitalize our patients lives in more way than one. This means, along with all of our dental care treatments, we also provide facial cosmetic options.  When we treat patients with facial cosmetic procedures, we hope to better their lives and fill them with confidence.  Here are some of the facial cosmetic treatments we offer.

Date: Friday March 20, 2020

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Wisdom Teeth, Your Third Molars

wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth are experienced by majority of people in their lifetime. Whether you have wisdom teeth or you don’t, it is something consistently watched by any dentist you will see. At a certain age, in the late teens, wisdom teeth begin causing issues, which is why they tend to be extracted. Wisdom teeth are also known collectively as the third molar, and may exist in singularly, in pairs, triples, quadruples, and for the unlucky, more than 5 can exist!

Date: Monday March 9, 2020

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